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A travers le destin de Valérie Silver et de ses déboires Hollywoodiens, ce documentaire de quatre vingt dix minutes brosse un portrait décalé du rêve américain. Entrecroisant interviews, extraits de films et tranches de vies, ce film intimiste observe comment la vie de Valérie Silver a basculé d´une existence bourgeoise évangéliste de la Bible Belt, à celle d´une errance bohème dans le milieu du cinéma indépendant, posant une question universelle : Serions nous prêts à renoncer à une existence confortable et prévisible pour étreindre une vie d´aventure et d´extrême passion, mais aussi de douleur et d´égarement, à la poursuite d´un rêve, d´une fantaisie?


Hollywood is like a polar magnet for hopes and dreams. It´s where movies are made. Hollywood has the bright lights that also burn, reducing to ash entire careers and fortunes, and yet singed wings and all they flock back for more. A quarter million scripts a year, thousands of independent films are made and maybe five or six will be seen.

Southern belle Valerie Silver is a complex and powerful person who doesn´t let the vicissitudes of life stop her. God told her to make a movie, and she will follow thru. Tracking her heroic folly, LOVELY CHAOS unfolds in a series of surprises, inquiring into our collective obsession with Hollywood, leaving us to wonder ; would I give up a happy comfortable life of riches for a wild totally unpredictable life of adventure and passion - extreme sorrow and loss, to pursue a dream - a whimsy?

In an inverted American-dream story, from riches to rags this documentary pieces together the heroic picture of devotion or the paradoxical struggle of one woman´s pain to make us laugh.